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Berlin 17-11-2021 Last night dream

Berlin 17-11-2021

Last night dream

Scene one: a garden with large tables, it is warm, but not too warm, late spring maybe. Some of the tables are occupied by large groups and cute children run around playing.

I am wearing my past time outfits, when I was living in Dallas and seating in a round with some of my old pals, @meichun and other of her friends. I feel out of place, and of course, I do not understand how I end up there as I am sleeping in my bed in Berlin.

Scene 2, because dreams change quiet radically, I am standing in front of a butcher fridge. It is part of an open market, and the shop faces the same green space with the large tables describe before. It is a long old fashion butcher display fridge covered by a red and white stripe large fabric canopy. The butcher is standing behind it and on top of a stool, so he is a lot taller than me, in front of the cashier. In between us, the glass fridge displays the usual cut of meats and poultry. It might be like 6 or 7 meters long. I walk in the opposite direction of the tilt exploring the meet display. After the usual cuts, head of animals are nicely placed on top of a plate, there is nothing dramatic about their expression, there just there, bodyless. At the end of the fridge other animal’s parts are display, the dream gets a bit blurry, bad signal I guess, and can’t clearly describe it.

I am waiting for my husband who is walking across the grass space along the tables wearing a white shirt and looking as handsome as usual.

I walk towards one of the tables where it seems I was seated before, and a group of large people are seated there, mostly wearing summery outfits in orange and brown colors, and yellow and white fascinators. I am looking for my bag that I left there, and they are not overly helpful and seems to be upset about giving me my bag back. One of them hands it over to me, it is also orange and brown with white handles. I open it up and in between my things are some others I show to the table asking if they belong to some of them and wonder if someone was already planning to keep my bag.

The next scene I am back talking to my Dallas pals, I am among a group of 5 or 6 very attractive women and a child, a bit left of who seems to be a prodigy.

Suddenly, the scene changes, and vampires and other monsters show up and start destroying it all and attacking people. I run away with the prodigy girl who have not say a word yet, she just follows me, not sure why.

We run downstairs (I know, best place to hide from vampires, underground in the dark) and close the door behind us it and enter in what seem to be a dormitory. A brownish color room receives us, one door to the left open us to a guess toilet, and in front of us another door guides us to a corridor with doors to bedrooms. It looks like a place you find in the movie “goodbye Lenin” when the protagonist couple enter in one of the flats recently abandoned in East Berlin, the bed is undone but almost still warm, there are clothes and rugs and blankets, it is a clean space, is just unoccupied. There are two bedroom and a full bathroom, and the corridor has a second door. Through the second door peephole we see the uniformed serviced still working, carrying trays with food and drinks. The service that moves along the event attendant as a light shade that no one sees, are also invisible to the threatening creatures attacking the rest of us.

I walk to the first door, the one we locked behind. In one side has little holes you can see through, and I bend down to do it to explore what’s outside. A young and fit woman all dress in shiny tight leather and long hair (a cliché I know) is waiting for us outside and notice I am looking at her and grunts and I quickly walk away from the door, pretty scare, I guess.

We set in one of the rooms, the kid being a kid is laying on the floor looking at things and I look for something to create weapons with. I look around and the brilliant idea I have is to create it with 2 hungers by straighten the metal and hold one in each hand. I am obviously very strong as I manage to straighten the hanger metal with my bear hands.

I remember vampires cannot enter your house if there are not invited and I have the kitchen next door, so I might be able to order room service?

I woke up, at last, what a night I have.


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