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The Blue Prince

The Blue Prince Does Exists.

Is not a millionaire who will save you from prostitution while climbing to your balcony with a bouquet of nice and expensive flowers!

The blue prince will wait for you when you come back tired from work with the dinner ready, will walk proud in the streets holding hands, will make you tea when you have a cold, his eyes will shine when he sees you, will appreciate your cook or been the prettiest and smartest of all. The blue prince will find the best program is to be with you, will run home to spend the weekends with you. Is not here to save you from the dragon, is here to walk with you and support each other in each ones endeavor, and is here to make you bigger and better, and you, the same. The blue prince won’t have a castle, with luck, you both will have a mortgage and figure how to build a home together. He exists, it will make you happy. And yes, there will be rainy days, better and worse, arguments and make up sex. In the morning he will have a bad breath, the same one you have, messy hair, as you do. And yes, it will be sacrifices and both will have to evaluate it there are worth doing.

So, wake up, if you are still waiting for the millionaire to rescue you from whatever mess your life is, put it together, fix it yourself, leave the frogs behind (they will never be a Prince) and have something good to offer in order to find someone Blue for you.

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