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SHE, enters the restaurant with a scarf covering her head, not even one hair is visible. SHE enters pushing a baby stroller. On her back, covering her entire ass written in white crystals you read “bebe”. The kids enter behind her and her husband is the last one, with angry face, looking to the sides controlling it all. The airport restaurant is empty but of course, SHE, the husband, the kids decide the best table is the one just next to me. The little girl, the only girl in between three boys, probably the one who still uses the baby stroller is restless, jumping up and down, running around the table, making noise while pushing chairs, until she gets close to me and a stand staring at me with eye wide open. SHE apologizes to me, I smile and tell her not to worry, is a kid who must be very tired with the trip, plane trips are uncomfortable and long…”no” SHE replies, “is always like that, she doesn’t stop a minute”. The waiter arrive to pick up drink orders, SHE has the command order “Water for the two of us and Coca-Cola for the kids”

A life, if we only were a bit less contradictory and stupid…

At John F. Kennedy airport.

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